Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ruger LCP w/ Crimson Laser

This pocket pistol recently supplanted my Kimber as my daily carry. The light weight, size, and ease of concealment frankly means I carry the gun and holster 24/7, the two never leave my pants pocket. This tool is designed for a specific purpose, after careful research, evaluation, and testing one which I have come to trust with my life should an unforeseen adverse situation arise. See the pictures below:

Shots taken from 25 feet @ center mass
Head shots taken from 50 feet

This is the fifth firearm I purchased from Phil Baker at the Indiana Gun Club.  Please consider Phil as you comparison shop for your firearm-- he will honestly advise the novice shooter, his prices are competitive if not the lowest around, he can easily order what he does not have in stock, and his "service after the sale" is second to none.

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